• Hours: Mon-Fri 6 AM - 8 PM | Sat-Sun 8 AM - 8 PM

    Ranch House Phone  970.963.6300

    Email: frontdesk@rvrma.org



RVR Social Clubs

Naughty Knitters

Are you crafty? Join a group of RVR neighbors who knit together! The RVR Naughty Knitters welcome those who knit, crochet, needlepoint, cross stitch, or enjoy fiber arts. All levels are welcome! 
This winter the Naughty Knitters have been meeting on Tuesday afternoons at 3 p.m. at each other’s homes. 
For more information, contact Sarah Murr at sarahmurr100@gmail.com.

RVR Book Club
Interested in joining an RVR book club?
Please contact Ambassador (club organizer): Rebecca Guerra at rmaguerra@gmail.com.


A chance to do some good!

RVR4Good is a loosely associated group of your neighbors.  We are focused on opportunities for RVR residents to support local charities, meet local needs and, better connect RVR with the Carbondale and broader RFV communities. If you are interested in knowing more, please send an email to RVR4Good@gmail.com and ask to be added to the email list. Or just come to one of the monthly meetings at the Ranch House.

The next meeting is Monday, Feb. 17 at 5:30 p.m in the RVR Ranch House Conference Room.

RVR4Good – Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones is a Carbondale non-profit that cultivates strong mentoring relationships and community spaces for youth, ages 10-24. This leads to fostering personal growth, compassion and responsibility. With mentoring at the center of their program, they offer wraparound services to meet youth and families’ needs. All services are free. The staff works closely with Carbondale, Glenwood and Basalt schools.

Stepping Stones provides dinner five days a week for the youth, who often help with meal planning and cooking. Eating together offers opportunities for discussion and interacting with each other

On Monday, Feb. 3, six people, who are part of the newly formed group RVR4Good, prepared and delivered to Stepping Stones a simple meal for 25 people. These RVR residents had a tour of the facilities and learned so much about Stepping Stones.

It was such a rewarding experience that we’ve committed to supplying dinner the first Monday of each month. The meal can be home-cooked, carryout, or City Market/restaurant gift cards.

This is a great project for individuals, friends, book clubs, knitting groups, and other groups within RVR.

We are currently looking for a group to supply an evening meal in March. The April date is covered by the Naughty Knitters!

If you would like to sign up for an upcoming month or learn more about this outreach, please contact Anne Blackwell, anneblackwell635@gmail.com or Sarah Murr sarahmurr100@gmail.com


RVR Hiking Group
No Hiking in the winter! Check back in spring 2025.
Suggested items to bring include sunscreen, a hat, hiking poles, water, snacks, and/or whatever will make your hike more enjoyable. 
Please contact Ambassador (club organizer): Alicia Miller at alicia@aliciamiller.net
RVR Ski Club
Interested in meeting up with other RVR skiers? Join the RVR Ski Club! They meet every Wednesday at the Ulrhoff in Snowmass at 10:30 a.m.You should be able to ski ungroomed blues and easier blacks.
Please contact club ambassador and RVR resident, Michael Korber: mbkorber@gmail.com, (970)901-2115.
Happy skiing!
RVR Theatre Group

Do you know Carbondale has professional quality theatre right here in our town? Want to support amazing local theatre and attend shows with a local group? Join the RVR Theatre Group! Contact resident, Dori Libson: (410) 271-4075 or dorilibson@gmail.com.