Fitness Studio and Cardio and Strength Room
1. Members utilizing the Fitness Center need to be clothed in proper workout attire. For safety reasons, sandals, flip-flops, street shoes, or elevated shoes are not allowed. Management reserves the right to challenge any questionable attire.
2. Please no black-soled or hard-soled shoes in the Yoga Room. Bike shoes should be put on just before getting on the spin bikes.
3. Fitness equipment users (weights, strength machines, cardio machines, yoga mats, etc.) must wipe down the equipment after use with the supplied sanitizer or wipes.
4. Fitness equipment users must return equipment to racks or storage areas when finished.
5. Please avoid dropping weights.
6. Cardio machine users should limit their time to 30 minutes when others are waiting.
Fitness Center Age Requirements
Children under the age of fifteen (15) are not permitted in the second-floor Fitness Center of the Ranch House unless:
1) The child is at least the age of eleven (11) and is exercising under the supervision of their parent. The parent must remain with the child in the gym.
2) The child is at least the age of eleven (11) and is exercising under the supervision of an RVR-approved personal trainer and has permission from their parents and RVR management.
3) The child is at least the age of thirteen (13) and has completed a course with Ali Anderson for gym etiquette and safety, and parents, of the child have completed an additional waiver for their child to use the gym without their supervision.
Youth Gym and Safety Course
Do you have a 13- or 14-year-old teen who would like to use the gym without a parent? See below for the process.
1) Complete Gym Etiquette and Safety Course – approximately 30 Minutes, (parents do not need to attend).
2) Set up a time to meet with Ali (parents do not need to attend)
3) Sign the Code of Conduct and Personal Responsibility Form (must be signed by the child, parent, and Ali).
If you’d like to coordinate a time for your child to meet with Ali, please contact her to schedule: