DHM is working on cost estimates for a range of open space scenarios that the RVRMA could pursue if it owned or controlled the RVR golf course. The cost estimates are phase two of the consulting agreement with DHM. Phase one defined the open space scenarios.
The open space cost estimates will address capital investment and operating costs for each scenario. When the full DHM report is complete and has been accepted by the RVRMA Board, it will be shared with the RVR community, just as the Billy Casper Golf report was in late January.
Following completion of the DHM report, the Board should be able to compare potential costs and benefits to the community of operating the golf course, or converting it to open space.
The golf course is open for the 2019 season, and the current owner has indicated a desire to continue operating the course. But the Board believes it’s in the Association’s best interest to explore scenarios that might arise if the course were to eventually close. By preparing for a range of potential outcomes, the Board will be ready to react in a timely manner to any changes in golf course status.
The Board, Golf Advisory Committee and DHM met on March 5 to review the report and further refine those open space scenarios before proceeding with cost estimates. Those costs estimates, which will address capital investment and operating costs for each scenario, should take one or two months to be completed.
The RVR Board told the reporter that if the golf course owner, Crystal Outdoors LLC, has a specific proposal, it would evaluate that proposal based on the Board’s three criteria:
- Does it change the nature of the community
- Does it provide long-term sustainability of the community?
- Does it preserve property values?
If you didn’t receive the e-mail with a link to the report, please contact us and we’ll make sure you receive a copy. To request the report, and for any other golf-related question, please email us at: golfquestions@rvrcommunity.com
Watch for updates on both of these items in next week’s Golf Update.
On Monday, Jan. 14, the RVRMA Board and Golf Advisory Committee hosted their sixth golf roundtable, the final one scheduled in our first series of these meetings. Since beginning the roundtables in late November, the Board and Committee have met with more than 80 homeowners. Additional sessions may be held if RVR homeowners indicate an interest in continuing the dialog.
• Two golf round tables are scheduled for Jan. 10, in the morning, and Jan. 14, in the evening. Watch for sign-up details in an upcoming Golf Update.
• The Golf Advisory Committee is finalizing the Billy Casper Golf Report. We expect to make the full report available to all RVR homeowners by mid-January.
• We are in the early stages of our Open Space studies, an effort to understand the costs and options of converting the golf course to something other than a golf course. We’ll have a lot more details for you on this open space exploration over the next few months.
UPDATE 12.21.2018
The golf course owns the bridges. We’ll bring the concern to their attention.
It was encouraging that there was only one golf question. We’d like to think that, between these weekly Golf Updates and the series of four recent Golf Roundtables, RVR homeowners are becoming knowledgeable about the status of the golf course. Thank you for taking an interest in a subject very important to this community.
Speaking of the Golf Roundtables, two more are scheduled for January.
About 15 homeowners attended each session. The audience was intentionally limited to make sure everyone attending had an opportunity to be heard.
The fourth and final roundtable of this year will be held next Thursday, Dec. 13. Due to significant interest in these events, and because of limited seating, all roundtables have been full. Additional sessions are planned for early 2019. Keep an eye on these weekly updates for dates and times of upcoming roundtables. The Board and Golf Advisory Committee are committed to continuing these meetings as long as homeowners want to have them.
Participants showed the diversity of the RVR community – golfers and non-golfers, homeowners who live on the golf course and those who don’t, long-time residents and newcomers.
At both sessions, homeowners were interested in knowing more detail about the recently completed sale of the golf course to the new owner, Crystal Outdoors, LLC (represented by Dan Coleman).
In publicly available documents, the sale of the course is now shown as a $3.5 million transaction price. Late yesterday, following the two roundtable sessions, other documents that were recorded as part of the sale were made publicly available.
- The small group roundtable discussions regarding the RVR golf course situation scheduled on Thursday, Nov. 29 at 9:30 a.m. and Thursday, December 6 at 6:30 p.m. are now full and closed to any additional attendees. More roundtable discussions have been added to the schedule on Thursday, Nov. 29 at 11 a.m. and Thursday, Dec. 13 at 6:30 p.m. Contact Kendra Ford at csm@rvrcommunity.com to reserve your spot.
- Discussed the initial meeting with the new owner of the RVR golf course, Crystal Outdoors, LLC, RVR Master Association Board and Golf Advisory Committee. At the meeting, the Board and the Committee heard for the first time Crystal Outdoors’ plans for the golf course.
- Discussed the Board’s first look at the Billy Casper Golf report, the upcoming meeting with the new owner of the RVR golf course, and a story in the Sopris Sun about how the change in golf course ownership could affect the RVR community.
- Discussed new information on the upcoming meeting with the prospective new owner of the RVR golf course. The new owner has again postponed a scheduled initial meeting with the RVRMA Board and Golf Advisory Committee.
- Discussed the upcoming meeting with the prospective new owner of the golf course, and the RVRMA Board’s preparations for that meeting.
- UPDATE 10.12.2018:
- Discussed the site visit to RVR by our golf consultant, Billy Casper Golf.Their next step is preparing a comprehensive report to the RVRMA Board, which we should have in the next few weeks.
- Discussed the postponement of the initial meeting with the prospective new owner of the RVR golf course; the upcoming site visit by our golf course consultant; and, the beginning of our exploration of the golf course as possible open space.
Click here to read more.
- Discussed a consulting agreement with Billy Casper Golf, and an upcoming meeting with the prospective new owner of the RVR golf course.
- Discussed the latest news on the potential sale of the golf course.